Cognitive Psychology
By the mid 1950s cognitive views of learning gained ascendency over thestimulus-response approach. Now questions pertaining to the role of mentalphenomenon in learning and development were resurrected. Thus, with the renewedresearch interest into how individuals acquire, retain, recall and transforminformation, investigations of higher mental processes.
Burrhus Frederic Skinner - Operant Conditioning ----> 1900s
Operant Conditioning in the Classroom:
When using operant conditioning in your classroom, positive
reinforcement is going to be your primary way of managing student behavior.
While punishments and consequences should be made known to your students, they
will need to used less often if you are implementing positive reinforcement
Maslow's Pyramid
Educational psychology is still very important in these times since at every moment something that helps in the teaching process is discovered.
In Ecuador:
What Ecuador needs to improve psychology education is to get
more professors who can do and publish research, i.e. academically active
professors. The PhD is just the most common route that people take to become
competent researchers and academics, but it is not necessarily the only route.
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IRL, P. (2015, 09
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Process, T. T.
(n.d.). The Theories and Theorists that Shape our Understanding of the
Learning Process. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Education & Psychology:
Saul , M. (2018).
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