viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019


Imagen relacionada
  • Identify the tecniques and tools educators  for all students to learn.
  • Adapting to diversity.
  • Bring in Education into field science and technology beacuse the object is chance a traditional learning.
  • Creating and implementing programs that can help people learn more  effectively.
  • The increase of students with learning disabilities and developmental delays.
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Ahpurmapitsu. (2011, 01 11). Educational psychology - change the future 2. Retrieved 12 06, 2019, from Archivo de video :
EducationGovtNZ. (2018, 09 24). Studying to become an Educational Psychologist. Retrieved 12 06, 2019, from Archivo de video:
EducationGovtNZ. (2019, 09 24). Moving from teaching to Educational Psychology. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Archivo de video:


Cognitive Psychology
By the mid 1950s cognitive views of learning gained ascendency over thestimulus-response approach. Now questions pertaining to the role of mentalphenomenon in learning and development were resurrected. Thus, with the renewedresearch interest into how individuals acquire, retain, recall and transforminformation, investigations of higher mental processes.

Resultado de imagen para COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY what is

Burrhus Frederic Skinner - Operant Conditioning ----> 1900s

Operant Conditioning in the Classroom:
When using operant conditioning in your classroom, positive reinforcement is going to be your primary way of managing student behavior. While punishments and consequences should be made known to your students, they will need to used less often if you are implementing positive reinforcement effectively.

Maslow's Pyramid

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Educational psychology is still very important in these times since at every moment something that helps in the teaching process is discovered.

Resultado de imagen para importance of educational psychology to a teacher graphic organizer

In Ecuador:

What Ecuador needs to improve psychology education is to get more professors who can do and publish research, i.e. academically active professors. The PhD is just the most common route that people take to become competent researchers and academics, but it is not necessarily the only route.


CrashCourse. (2014, 06 9). The Growth of Knowledge: Crash Course Psychology #18. Retrieved 12 06, 2019, from Archivo de video.
IRL, P. (2015, 09 18). What is Operant Conditioning? Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Archivo de video:
J., A. (2015, 03 15). Operant Conditioning in the Classroom: Definition and Examples. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from
O'Brien, D. (2012, 12 02). Educational Psychology Timeline. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Prezi:
Process, T. T. (n.d.). The Theories and Theorists that Shape our Understanding of the Learning Process. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Education & Psychology:
Saul , M. (2018). Skinner - Operant Conditioning. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from SimplyPsychology:

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019


What is Educational Psychology?
Educational psychology is the study of how individuals learn, including topics such as student outcomes, the academic process, individual differences in learning, gifted learners and various learning disabilities.This process includes emotional, social, and cognitive learning processes.

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Educational Psychology: Applying psychology in the classroom

Johann Herbart as the "Father" of educational psychology.Herbart believed that student's interested in a topic had a tremendous influence of the learning outcome and believed that teachers should consider this interest along with prior knowledge when deciding which type of instruction is most appropriate.

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Another important influent was Edward Lee Thorndike was devoted throughout his career to understanding the process of learning. His interest in and contribution to our understanding of learning ranged from studies with animals, children, and eventually with adults.

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Grinder, R. E. (1989). Educational psychology: The master science. In R. E. Grinder, The Future of Educational Psychology (pp. pp.3-18). Hillsdale New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Retrieved from Educational psychology: The master science.
Morin, A. (2019, 11 30). Educational Psychology and the Learning Process. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Verywellmind: (2013, 12 31). Educational Psychology: Applying Psychology in the Classroom. Retrieved from Archivo de video:
TC, T. O. (2003, 10 03). Thinking Outside of the Box: 100 Years of Educational Psychology at TC. Retrieved 12 04, 2019, from Teachers College Columbia University: